Flight Rising Wiki

Obtained Via[]

  • Marketplace: can be purchased in the Genes section of the Marketplace for 200,000 Icon treasure


  • Specialty Item: to use this item, left-click on it in your Hoard. This pulls up a menu that allows you to select which dragon you would like to use it on. Clicking a dragon shows you a preview of them with this gene before actually changing it. Once a dragon is selected, click Apply Changes to change their tertiary gene to Gembond.


The Gembond gene covers a dragon in chiseled, clinging rocks. The deposits are distributed differently depending on breed and sex.

Gembond mix


  • Gembond was released on June 10th, 2013, two days after the site officially launched.[1]


  • Gembond was the first tertiary gene obtainable through the treasure Marketplace.
  • On some breeds, Gembond breaks the dragon's lineart (like Spines or Firefly), and may show from underneath a skin/accent.
  • The venom of Onyx Cobras can cause the onset of Gembond in dragons.
  • It is typically more difficult for a dragon with Gembond to fly. However, it also provides additional protection, making it more difficult to penetrate their hide in combat; they may not be able to fly as well, but that doesn't make them an easy target. [2]

See Also[]

               Treasure Primary Genes
Bar Gene
Boa Gene
Cherub Gene
Cinder Gene
Clown Gene
Fade Gene
Falcon Gene
Flaunt Gene
Giraffe Gene
Jaguar Gene
Jupiter Gene
Laced Gene
Leopard Gene
Lionfish Gene
Mosaic Gene
Piebald Gene
Ribbon Gene
Ripple Gene
Savannah Gene
Speckle Gene
Swirl Gene
Tapir Gene
Tiger Gene
Vipera Gene
               Treasure Secondary Genes
Blaze Gene
Blend Gene
Breakup Gene
Clouded Gene
Current Gene
Daub Gene
Edged Gene
Eel Gene
Eye Spots Gene
Flair Gene
Freckle Gene
Hex Gene
Hypnotic Gene
Marbled Gene
Noxtide Gene
Paint Gene
Peregrine Gene
Rosette Gene
Saddle Gene
Safari Gene
Saturn Gene
Seraph Gene
Striation Gene
Stripes Gene
               Treasure Tertiary Genes
Contour Gene
Crackle Gene
Gembond Gene
Ghost Gene
Lace Gene
Okapi Gene
Peacock Gene
Points Gene
Ringlets Gene
Runes Gene
Smoke Gene
Sparkle Gene
Spines Gene
Thylacine Gene
Underbelly Gene

